TWO PLANES (~15-20 mins)

TWO PLANES (~15-20 mins)


Previously known as the Pride Reading, this is a simple spread with a lot of impact. Five cards provide a cross section of your current state, revealing what to physically leave behind and take in on both your physical and spiritual planes.


If I feel compelled to draw more cards and/or if cards jump from the deck during shuffling I will read those as well.

Your reading will be delivered via email, including an audio file and a digital photo or multiple photos of your reading depending on the size of the spread.

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[Deck Pictured: Albano Waite Smith Tarot]

Please read my reading disclaimer before purchasing.

All readings are prerecorded unless otherwise specified.

Please allow up to one week for readings to be completed. I will contact you if I believe a reading will take longer than a week to complete.

All purchases are non-refundable. My readings are for “entertainment purposes” only. Readings should not be taken as medical, financial, or legal advice. Please seek a professional.